terça-feira, maio 27, 2008

Para uma noite como esta (2)

Depois há um comentário no SongMeanings que expressa bem aquilo que oiço nesta canção:

«"Winter weather is not my soul -- but the biding for spring." This person is not the cold, desolate appearance that most see... underneath spring awaits to bloom, full of life.

"Why's everybody looking at me?" Yet this is all they see.

"Like I'm a southern bird that stayed north too long." He has been tempered and altered by the cold hardships in life. He no longer appears the same to others.

The last stanza is a bit perplexing to me. "Winter exposes the nests and I'm gone." It seems like there are parts of him that have died and he has to leave them behind.

I understand the feeling of no longer being recognized, no longer seemingly the same, no longer to be understood by others because life has changed you so.»

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

conclusão: ninguém vai comentar.
fundamento: ninguém vai ler.