quinta-feira, setembro 27, 2007

Começar pequeno

«Wilson: How depressed are you?
House: I'm not depressed.
Wilson: You faked cancer.
House: It was an outpatient procedure. I was curious.
Wilson: Are you curious about heroin?
House: Not since last year's Christmas party. Whoof! [He then goes back to being serious] I know this goes against your nature, but can we not make too much of this?
Wilson: You made people think that you were going to die!
House: I didn't make them! I tried to hide it! You idiots needed to get into my business.
[Wilson starts laughing]
House: I'm sure I'll regret asking, but why are you laughing?
Wilson: It's ironic.
House: I'm sure I'll regret asking, but why?
Wilson: Depression in cancer patients. It's not as common as you think. It's not the dying that gets to people. It's the dying alone. The patients with family, with friends— they tend to do okay. You don't have cancer. You do have people who give a damn. So what do you do? You fake the cancer, then push the people who care away.
House: Because they're boring. Go home to your hotel room and laugh at that irony.
Wilson: Start small, House. Take a chance. Maybe something that doesn't involve sticking stuff in your brain. Pizza with a friend. A movie. Something.

Dr. House, série 3, episódio 15

6 comentários:

Francisco disse...

para aqueles que me vão acusar de ter feito um post: isto é apenas uma citação.

para a semana há mais um bombom.

Anónimo disse...

sim, � o maior.
e tu, vais come�ar pequeno?

e isso � um post que consiste numa cita�o.

Francisco disse...

não sei, eu um dia penso uma coisa, no outro penso outra.

Marvin disse...

E se bem me recordo este episódio acaba com uma música de Gomez...

Francisco disse...

ya, é esse, ele a entrar num café onde está a cameron, o foreman, e o chase. por acaso gosto dessa música.

Marvin disse...

É bom saber que a memória não me falha! =)